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Digital Map Store

How to Access Purchased Maps
Sometimes people have difficulty locating the correct downloadable map that they...
Hema 4WD Maps - Disambiguation
There are multiple ways you can buy the Hema 4WD Maps. When you are reinstalling...
Renewing a subscription
If you are using a subscription license from Memory-Map, when subscription perio...
Refund Policy
We stand behind our products and your satisfaction with them is important to us....
Where is my serial number?
Serial numbers are only used for Gift Certificates and are not needed for a norm...
Perpetual license and map updates
If you bought a "Perpetual license" for a specific map edition, that does NOT me...
Downloading the map too slow
We host our map data on AWS, which is one of the fastest servers available. Howe...
Deleting obsolete devices from account
You may find that your device list in the Memory-Map "Activity" page on the web ...
Updating Marine Charts
This video shows you the best way to update your Marine Charts in Memory-Map for...
Using Hema 4WD Maps in Memory-Map for All
If you bought the "Hema 4WD Maps Australia" app from the apple appstore, you are...
Subscription - How to check the expiry date
You can check your Memory-Map subscription expiry date using the Memory-Map Lice...
How Many Devices can I use with Memory-Map?
Unless otherwise stated in the product description, all maps are licensed for a ...
Why are the OS maps for England and Wales separate from Scotland
When you purchase any of our OS map licenses, whether it is an annual subscripti...
How to Give Memory-Map as a Gift
The Memory-Map apps and the maps in the Digital Map Store are all online downloa...
Downloading a specific area of a map
In Memory-Map, Topo maps are typically published as large seamless maps covering...
How to migrate license activations from an old device
Migrating licenses is no longer necessary. Just sign into your account from the ...
A-Z London Street Maps
If you are in the Taxi business looking for the A-Z London map for the TFL Topog...