Home > MMNav for Windows app > PNG color type must be PALETTE

PNG color type must be PALETTE

This message usually means you have set the Map List to look in locations that do not contain maps. Please correctly refresh the map list via the steps below:

  1. Open Memory-Map
  2. Click Map > Map List... > Refresh Map List...
  3. A Refresh Map List window will now appear, click Remove All
  4. Click Add Folder... and point the Browser for Folder window to where you maps are being stored on your PC (Usually C:\Maps and/or C:\Maps_v5).
  5. Click OK
  6. Ensure that the tick boxes 'Load All Maps Now',  'Search sub-folders' and 'Clear all previously loaded maps' are ticked.
  7. Click OK and your Map List should now populate with all the maps you have on your PC.