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How to back-up your overlay data

Many people use Memory-Map to collect valuable data, such as tracklogs, routes and marks.

It is always recommended that you create a backup of your data, so that if the device is lost or damaged, or if the data is accidentally deleted, you have another copy.

The easiest way to make a backup of your data is:

  • Go to the Flip side page
  • Tap the Overlays button on the toolbar
  • Tap Menu > Cloud Sync

This allows you to synchronize all your data between multiple devices and access the data via the web portal (https://w2.memory-map.com, click on My Overlays)

Another way you can save your data is as follows:

  • Go to the Flip side page
  • Tap the Overlays button on the toolbar
  • Tap Menu > Save All Marks/Routes/Tracks
  • Enter a filename
  • Click Share (top right)
  • Select how you want to send your data. You can use Airdrop, send it to someone as an email attachment, or upload it to Google Drive, Dropbox etc (depending on what storage apps you have installed on the device). The data is stored as a GPX file, which is compatible with many other apps.
  • Marks, Routes and Tracks are saved separately, so you have to repeat this for each of the three types of data.

After you have saved your data, whether or not you shared it using the Share button, a copy is stored on the device. If you plug your device into a Mac, you can use File Sharing in the Finder to make a manual copy of your data on your Mac.