Legacy iOS App
Legacy iOS App
Which app? "Memory-Map for All" or "Memory-Map"
Memory-Map has released a new multi-platform app called Memory-Map for All (http...
Missing Arrow button in the toolbar, unable to access flipside
In version 2.4.0 of the Memory-Map iOS app, the toolbar at the bottom of the mai...
How to back-up your overlay data
Many people use Memory-Map to collect valuable data, such as tracklogs, routes a...
Recording your tracklog while the app is running in the background
The Memory-Map app has the ability to record a tracklog using the GPS while you ...
Advance access to new releases
If you would like to try out new releases of the Memory-Map iOS app, you can sig...
Copying maps to an iPhone or iPad
Note: this article applies to the legacy Memory-Map app, not Memory-Map for All....
Restoring M-Topo OS 2013 maps on iOS devices
This article talks you through the process of redownloading the M-Topo OS 2013 m...
Reducing the amount of overlay data in the app
Many people who use the Memory-Map app to record their tracklogs or mark locatio...
App freezes when no mobile signal is available
If you are in an area of marginal mobile signal, and you change maps while Memor...
Multiple copies of the same chart
When you download a package of maps or charts more than once, and they are from ...
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Most Popular Articles
Copying maps to an iPhone or iPad
How to back-up your overlay data
Reducing the amount of overlay data in the app
Recording your tracklog while the app is running in the background
Which app? "Memory-Map for All" or "Memory-Map"
Restoring M-Topo OS 2013 maps on iOS devices
App freezes when no mobile signal is available
Advance access to new releases
Multiple copies of the same chart
Missing Arrow button in the toolbar, unable to access flipside
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